Build Your Own Energy-Efficient Home For As Little
As $18 A Square Foot Using These Alternative Building Techniques!
You can build a beautiful 1500 square foot three bedroom two bath home
for as little as twenty-seven thousand dollars! Why spend between 50
and 75 thousand dollars on a "pre-fab" mobile home when you can have a
"real" home that's twice as energy efficient and ten times as beautiful
for almost half the cost? Not only that but these homes are far better for the environment! With some of the methods described below, you
can have the exterior walls of your new home erected in a single weekend
and make money doing it!
Alternative building methods allow the average person to do what we have all but forgotten
as a society ie: Live Self-Sufficiently!
For what you'd expect to pay as a down-payment on a thirty year mortgage
you can live free of debt in a home you build yourself!
Building your own home gives you many benefits:
Alternative homes are beautiful, unique, energy efficient and inexpensive
to build. Let us show you how!
Save thousands of dollars in contractor, architect and labor costs!
People will actually pay you to host a seminar and allow them to
help you build!
Learn how you can use passive solar energy and other "low tech" techniques
to keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer at a fraction
of the costs of a conventional home.
Feel the joy of living in an all natural environment with great air
quality and none of the toxins commonly found in a conventional home.
SUBSCRIBE TODAY at our introductory price of only $14.95* and you'll receive:
- A one-year subscription to the BETTER EARTH NEWS
a bi-monthly
"good news" magazine celebrating Sustainability, Self-Sufficiency and Living
in Harmony with the Earth- Our eBook entitled Guide to Alternative Building Methods which includes diagrams, instructions and floorplans for several excellent alternative
building methods including:
- Strawbale Houses
- Adobe
- Earthships
- Online help with your building projects!
- Member discounts on exclusive offers!
and much more!
Simply click below to procede to our secure order page.
*regular price $19.95 per year

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